Frigg vs Freyja

Frigg (Frigga) was the Norse goddess of marriage, chastity, fertility and motherhood. She was married to the chief Aesir god Odin, and together they ruled Asgard. She was seen mostly as wife and mother, and also an earth goddess. Freyja, ‘The Lady’, was the Norse goddess of love, war, and beauty. She had a twinContinue reading “Frigg vs Freyja”

Ériu, Goddess of Ireland

Éire / Éireann/ Éirenn / Éirinn / Erin Ériu was a Queen and patron goddess of Ireland around the time of the Milesian invasion.  She was seen as the Goddess of Irish Sovereignty along with her sisters, Banba and Fódla.  Ériu’s name is thought mean ‘earth, soil’ or ‘plentiful’, as well as ‘fat land’ orContinue reading “Ériu, Goddess of Ireland”

Cailleach, the Veiled One

Scotland – Cailleach Bheur (Gentle Old Lady, Divine Hag), Cailleach Uragaig, Cailleach Beinne Bric (Old Woman of the Speckled Mountain), Cailleach Mor (Great Old Woman), Carlin, Scotia Ireland – Cailleach Bhéirre, Cailleach Bolus, Cailleach Corca Duibhe Isle of Man – Caillagh ny Groamagh (Gloomy Old Woman), Caillagh ny Gueshag (Old Woman of the Spells) TheContinue reading “Cailleach, the Veiled One”


Boudica, Boadicea, Boudicea, Buduica, Buddug (Welsh) Although Boudicca was not a goddess, she was a strong female warrior figure whose likeness can still be seen around England.  She led her people against the invading Romans after an injustice to her family and her people, resulting in a lingering sentiment of British pride which remains today.

Arianrhod, Silver Wheel

Arianrhod (Aranrhod, Arianrod) is the Welsh goddess of fertility, rebirth, cosmic time and fate.  Her name means ‘silver wheel’, therefore she is associated with the moon, the cosmos, and the wheel of time.  She is often seen as a mother goddess, similar to the Irish goddess Danu.

Freyja, Goddess of Love and War

Freya, Frejya, Freyia, Frøya, Frøjya, Freia Freyja is a Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, crops, war, wealth, divination and magic.  Famed for her great beauty, with blue eyes and golden hair, she has been referred to as ‘The Fair One’.  She was the symbol of sensuality and was called upon in matters of love. Continue reading “Freyja, Goddess of Love and War”

Brigid, Exalted One

Brigit, Brigid, Brighid, Bríde, Brìd, Brìg, Brigantia, Breo-Saighead, Breo Aigit (Gaelic), Ffraid (Welsh), Mary of the Gael, Saint Brigid (Catholic) Brigid is a very important Triple Goddess in Celtic mythology. Her three aspects include the Fire of Inspiration as patroness of poetry, Fire of the Hearth as patroness of healing and fertility, and Fire ofContinue reading “Brigid, Exalted One”

Cerridwen, Keeper of the Cauldron

Cerridwyn, Ceridwen, Cyrridven, Caridwen, Kyrridwen Cerridwen is a Welsh goddess of inspiration, wisdom, rebirth, transformation and prophecy. She is known as the keeper of the cauldron of knowledge, the mother of transformation and change, and the white lady of inspiration and death. Cerridwen holds great power and knowledge and is often described as a croneContinue reading “Cerridwen, Keeper of the Cauldron”

Danu, Great Mother

Dana, Anu, Ana, Anann, Danand, Dôn (Wales), Danuvius (Roman), Duna (Hungarian), Donau (German) Danu is an ancient Irish triple goddess who is considered the “Great Mother” of Ireland. She is the Mother of the Irish gods and faery people, the Tuatha Dé Danann , which literally means the “People of the Goddess Danu”. Danu means knowledge, wisdom,Continue reading “Danu, Great Mother”